Stanley Ford Eastland

ABS Service

View of car on a lift with wheel removed

ABS Service at Stanley Ford Eastland

Vehicles today have Anti-Lock Brake Systems (ABS) to help keep you safe. These systems operate using sensors and high-pressure pumps to monitor brake functions so the system can keep your brakes from locking up when you have to stop suddenly to avoid going into a skid. Like all systems in your car, truck, minivan, or SUV, you have to keep the ABS well-maintained so that it continues to function properly. If you live in or around Comanche, Abilene, or Ranger, you can get quality ABS services at Stanley Ford Eastland.

How Does It Work?

Electronic sensors and high-pressure pumps form the basis of this system. Under certain circumstances, the ABS will measure the slippage in your wheels, the speed, and the force applied to the brakes to detect a possible skid hazard. When this happens, the ABS automatically pumps the brakes for you and does it faster and more precisely than the driver can do.

The ABS keeps you in control of your vehicle when you have to stop suddenly in an emergency or when road conditions are a driving challenge. When your wheels don’t lock up, this helps you to maintain good traction and steering to keep you in control of your vehicle. Some vehicles even have an ABS that shortens the distance needed to stop safely.

What If My ABS Light Is On?

There could be several reasons that the ABS light is on, some of which could include:

  • Normal illumination at startup: This happens when the system runs a self-check.
  • Bad Wheel Bearing.
  • Dirty tone ring.
  • Malfunction in the BS computer module.
  • Corroded or broken ABS sensor.
  • Other problems that can affect the ABS sensor or computer module like electrical or battery problems.

What Should I Do If My ABS Light Is On?

Sometimes the light being on is nothing to worry about, like when your ABS runs its self-check when you turn your vehicle on. Other times it can be problematic:

  • If you see an amber light on the dash that is not labeled, it can be serving as an ABS light.
  • If brake lights and the ABS light come on, it can signal an ABS problem. For safety, exit the road whenever it is safe and be careful when you apply the brakes, then call a tow truck.
  • If the light comes on when you are driving, it can mean your ABS has a problem and your brakes may still function, but the ABS may not. If this happens, you’ll want to set up an appointment with our service center to have it checked out in case it is unsafe for you to drive. Sometimes this may only be temporary, but it’s best to have it checked out.
  • If the ABS light comes on at startup and stays on, it may mean that the self-check has revealed a problem, so you’ll want to have it checked out to rule out potential issues in the future.

If your ABS light stays on, it can mean a serious problem with your brakes, so play it safe and bring it into Stanley Ford Eastland for service. You can contact us to schedule an appointment for service or set up an appointment online.